Assistant Fencing Referee

Understanding right of way can be hard

Which is why we built AFR, a first-of-a-kind AI fencing referee designed to make right of way easier to understand. Using arrows, AFR displays the flow of right of way in a bout, making it easier than ever for beginners to see what priority really is. By creating a set of simple, intuitive visualizations, AFR captures the essence of the action and makes it easy for even the most novice spectator to follow and understand fencing.

The solution

AFR provides viewers with a real-time display of who has the right of way in a fencing action. Using intuitive priority indicators that don’t draw attention away from the bout, AFR aims to make fencing an exciting and easy-to-understand sport to watch. By communicating right of way to spectators, we seek to increase both interactivity and interest in fencing.

AFR is a software system that works with existing broadcasting equipment, such as OBS, to generate priority overlays in real time. Priority overlays can be custom made for different organizations or tournaments.

Just as AI has revolutionized how we watch other major sports, Allez Go aims to transform how spectators see fencing. Understanding the flow of right of way during a bout will no longer be restricted to coaches and fencers, but will be displayed for all spectators to see.


AFR Demos

Incredible Bouts. Incredible Technology.

See AFR in action for yourself. These demos are generated by AFR and have only been edited for content. They have not been edited for accuracy.


Kiefer Vs Deriglazova

Tokyo 2020

Volpi Vs Ebert

Belgrade 2023